Sunday 18 April 2010

Social Networking.

I can't go a day without going on Facebook and see whats happening with people, whether it be people making up, breaking up or putting up pictures from parties. I love putting pictures up from nights out and I can gaurentee that throughout a night out someone will say, "These pics have gotta go up on Facebook asap!" Going out without a camera now seems odd, and personally I think if social networking sites such as Facebook or Myspace didn't exist for us to put our pictures on, we wouldn't even take a camera out with us!

But where does the social networking go too far? I have my profile set as private, but there are some people who's pages are accessible to anyone out there, and in my opinion that's really creepy.

Reading that story makes you realise that you can't really trust anyone, part of the reason why I don't accept 'Random Adds', as you don't know who's lurking out there ready to pounce. The poor girl didn't know that he was a convicted peadophile did she? And the frightening thing is that I'm sure he isn't the only one who has done this before, and I'm sure Ashleigh wasn't the first girl to talk to someone who she thought was someone her age, but to find out it was someone probably old enough to be her father! Sickening really.

I think Social Networking sites are good for what I mentioned earlier in the blog, you can catch up with your friends, upload your pictures from nights out and keep in touch with family members who may live abroad, but I do think it is unsafe for vunerable people, who may not fully know or understand the dangers of these sites. But hopefully, as bad as it is, Ashleigh's story has raised awareness that you may not be talking to who you think you are.

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