Saturday 17 April 2010

Doesn't Cost Much..

Something that I completely hate, hate, hate is a lack of and bad manners! I think the saying is completely true, manners don't cost Anything! I always say please and thank you, and hold doors open, I can't stand it when other people don't, it's just rude I think. Where I work, we hold a play scheme for children during the school holidays and I must say that the children have such poor manners! The way that they order you around clearly shows the way that they behave at home and the lack of education of manners, yet when I was younger, everything I asked, I had to say the 'magic word' else I wouldn't get what I asked for! I do think manners are effected by how you are brought up. If you are brought up around people with good manners, you will also have good manners later on in life.

Another thing that I associate with bad manners is swearing, I rarely swear and I definately don't swear in front of my parents. Even though I am 18 nearly 19, I'm sure they wouldn't be happy. I don't see any need in swearing, there are other ways of showing your anger or irritance, and as for using swear words for every other word in a sentence, that's just annoying! - this webpage has a guide on how to have good manners, even though some of them are a bit far fetched, they have a good idea of what it is to be polite and have good manners.

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