Monday 26 April 2010

Sex, Drugs & Rock n' Roll. Role Models?

Growing up with my brother idolising Kurt Cobain was a scary experience for me being a 5 year old girl... Walking into his room with his music blaring and him shouting at me the moment I stepped foot into his swamp was some sort of terrifying moment for me. Yet I'm certain that around that time, my brother was not the only young, adolescent, hormonal male who was going through this stage with Kurt being his King, Hero & Role Model.

However, it's not only Kurt Cobain that has had this sort of influence of people of all ages, there are people in the media such as Amy Winehouse, Katy Price, Bob Marley, David Beckham and John Terry who inspire and influence people in their lives. Yet the question that needs to be asked is is this a good thing for these people? Especially looking at Amy Winehouse, people who see her as a role model have witnessed her on a downhill slope, but are they still inspired by her actions? Where does the obsession stop? Do they want to live her lifestyle full of drugs and alcohol binges also?

Reading the paper the other day, I found an article where a girl had plastic surgery to look like Katie Price (Jordan). Now personal opinion, but I would never want to look like that. However this girl had spent thousands of pounds trying to look like her role model and with the downfall of Katie Price, came the downfall of this young girls happiness, with people hurling abuse at her in the streets. In my opinion, this is an inspiration taken too far.

I do believe it is ok to have a role model, however sometimes taking it too far could cause problems. Celebrity circles and 'normal' circles are very different and celebrities live completely different lives to normal people, yet somehow seem to get away with it.

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