Thursday 15 April 2010


There are two forms of Being Bad to do with prostitution. There is first of all, the male just using the woman for sex and secondly, this male could be cheating on his partner with this prostitute.

In a way, I feel sorry for prostitutes. I don't see how one part of their job can be enjoyable. The thought of kissing some of the vile slimy men who must come to visit them makes me sick, so I don't know how they must feel having to take things further. However, I do accept that when times are hard and they have a family to cater for, I admire them for what they put themselves through to supply for their family.

However, I do believe that their are countries where Prostitution is higher and much more common, I must say that I haven't seen many prostitutes where I live.

Reading some statistics though, I saw that there was another worse side to prostitution that we are all unaware of (or maybe it was just me!)

These were the statistics of prostitutes to do with rape:

Raped more than five times: 73%

As a child, was hit or beaten by a caregiver until injured or bruised: 49%

Sexually abused as a child: 65-95%

Another thing that was so shocking was that 32% of prostitutes had been made to do something that they didn't want to do.

More of the statistics that were equally as shocking are on this page -

Surely there are safer and less torturting ways to make money for their family than have to go through this everyday? - This article tells us that there is now a new form of prostitution; Child Prostitution. Personally, all I have to say on this matter is, It's not right or fair!

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