Friday 16 April 2010

Celebrity Stalking.

Ok, I am big big big fans of JLS, but not big enough to want to watch their every move or contact them 1 million times a day, personally I think there are better ways to spend your days. But some fans become so obsessed with their celebrity crushes that they want to get in contact with them and sometimes hurt them. That is something that I don't understand, sometimes they want to hurt them and destroy their lives, something that I'd never try and do if I met some celebrity that I was totally obsessing over! - Mark Chapman was John Lennon's stalker and ended up killing him.

There are some people who have stalked TWO celebrities, for example, William Lepeska stalked both Anna Kournikova and Scary Spice, which is wierd as the two have no similarities AT ALL. Maybe there is some thrill that they get for following round celebrities and making them scared. Maybe they want the celebrity lifestyle and that's the closest thing to it? Who knows...

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