Monday 12 April 2010


Everyone at some point in their life has been betrayed by someone they loved and trusted. Whether it be a partner, friend or family member. It could be from telling someones secret to having a 2 year affair.

The wikipedia definition is - the breaking or violation of a presumptive social contract, trust, or confidence that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship amongst individuals, between organizations or between individuals and organizations.

Personally, I have been betrayed by both a best friend and a boy in one go, but i was more hurt by my friend's behaviour than the boy's. I think that it is hard to regrow trust after it's been broken. You have to think that they must not have cared that much if they were willing to stab you in the back like that, me personally, that's what hurt the most.

I have a small group of people who I would say are my true friends and I would or could never do anything that I think would hurt them. However, this makes me think that is it in your blood that you look out for yourself and nobody else? Or like me, do you put other peoples feelings first?

Even though watching Jeremy Kyle makes me think that if the people that go on there are a representation of our country, we are in bad state, I watch it and its covered in betrayal! Boyfriends sleeping with their girlfriend's sister, girls going with their best friend's boyfriend, couples sleeping with other people.

A short story about betrayal -

Can you ever forgive people who have stabbed you right in the back? I don't know....

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