Wednesday 5 May 2010

Vicki's post on Porn.. - Vicki will be glad to know; she's not the only person who isn't bothered or turned on by porn. I've never once thought, Oh tonight I really fancy watching a bit of porn! I just don't see the point. I do agree with her that it does seem to be more males who enjoy watching it or looking on the internet, but maybe some girls are just too embarassed to admit it? - Every 39 minutes, a porn film is made in the U.S for the porn viewers outthere to enjoy...

The pornography business is one of the biggest businesses in the world, up there with the likes of Microsoft and Yahoo.

As I said before, I've never seen the point in it and have cringed at the thought of watching two (or maybe more) people behaving in that way, and I know some people who have been in relationships and have introduced porn into their sex lives, I know if that was me I would just start laughing! It doesn't seem right getting turned on by other people having sex.

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