Sunday 14 March 2010


Who wants to look like this?!

After thursday's lecture, I have been thinking a lot about drugs, more than I've ever thought about them to be honest as they have never been part of my life and I have never been involved in them. I thought that the videos we watched of the LSD experiments (especially the ones with the soldiers) were extremely amusing, however I thought that these videos didn't reflect the 'ugly' truth that comes with Drug use.

The traits that came across with the experiments showed drug abuse to be somewhat, fun with the soldiers laughing, having a joke around, climbing trees and tumbling over. However what we didn't fully look at during the lecture was what happens when the drug taking turns into an addiction, where the person relies on the substances to cope everyday in their life and without it they would not be able to cope.

In the media we have seen certain stars in the spotlight suffer from drug abuse, for example Amy Winehouse, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Robbie Williams and so many more. Another one that we could (controversially, maybe?) suggest is Michael Jackson. Obviously, these stars turn to drugs to cope with the pressure of the media, their work load, or private life. I think the suffering of these people being so easy for us to view and access may reflect the harsh reality that there are people out there in the world who's lives are being ruined everyday by drug abuse with the physical effects, mental effects and even the money issues. Also there are the health issues that come with it, e.g. heart and respiratory failure.

So even though you may get 'the buzz' when you try the drug for the first few times, it seems that taking drugs doesn't seem to attractive a few days/weeks/months down the line and for this reason I don't think that drugs should be made legal, there are enough problems with Alcohol and Nicotine addiction that the NHS have to deal with, without more oppurtunities for people to get drugged up everyday, legally. However, I do see the other side of the argument that arose in the lecture debate that if drugs such as cocaine became legal, there wouldn't be such a craze about it, as it wouldn't be seen as a 'cool' thing to do if it's legal.

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